
My Path of Totality
The excitement built as Toto and I watched the eclipse sweep across the nation via my TV screen. Soon we were moments away from peak time...

Ticked-off Toto
My dog has an attitude. It recently surfaced and caught me by surprise. He was not happy at all and showed it. What he didn’t realize ...

Obedience Training – Not Just for Dogs
I’ve decided to let Toto off the leash – at least for brief moments when I’m nearby and can catch him if he races away. While I’m no dog ...

Delayed Treatification
I find them all over the house. Each time, I chuckle. There they are, “hidden” in plain sight. The attempt to conceal has failed, but he ...

One Meal, One Person at a Time
It doesn’t seem possible. It’s right in our own backyard. Just beyond the perfectly manicured lawns and professionally decorated homes...

Unhealthy Attachment? Codependency?
It was never the plan. I was as free as a bird and enjoying my new life after my nest emptied. Frequent travel, a budding writing career...

Finding My Forever Home
It was cold. My paws felt frozen to the cement patio even though 16 of us were jammed together for warmth. Summer was the opposite ...

A Furry Tale From Oz
“We’re not getting a dog today,” I said as we entered the pet store. My daughter, Carolyn, and I were en route to pick out a Christmas ...