
Pandemic-Proof Foundation
It happens to the best of us. As time goes on, things start to break down – cars, houses, and even our bodies...

Praises From Prison
He was steadfast. Despite being beaten, stoned, and thrown in prison he forged on with his mission. He was even singing and praising ...

We Need Each Other
It happened overnight. Job’s life was stripped away – his cattle, servants, and even his children were destroyed. Next he was physically ...

Silent Enemies
“We have a silent enemy,” President Trump declared... But there’s another silent enemy out there – one that existed long before ...

God With Job – and Us
When we think of the book of Job, the word suffering usually comes to mind. And, as we comb through its pages, we get a front row seat ...

Esther 9 – God Was There All Along
We have come to the end of our Esther study and are left with many life lessons. What will you take with you? Will it be Esther’s ...

Esther 7 – A Winning Approach
He could have gone either way – his most trusted official or his queen? Based on recent events, most might have put their money on ...

Esther 6 – God at Work
The sequence of events aligned perfectly as the story unfolded. Esther held her first banquet but did not reveal her request. That very ...

Esther 5 – Waiting
Esther’s life hung in the balance as she waited in the inner court for the king’s reaction. She was ready, dressed in the royal robes ...