
Porchcast – Proof That God Exists!
As the coronavirus ramps up, fear and uncertainty set in. Tune in as I reveal an unexpected miracle – Yes, God exists!

Concerned But Not Consumed
Fear. It has consumed our television screens, internet feeds, phone conversations, and many of our minds. It seems to be as contagious ...

Porchcast – When Life Stops
The coronavirus has brought our nation and our lives to a complete halt. So what do we do now? Check out this week's Porchcast ...

Pure Gold
“Make new friends, but keep the old; Those are silver, these are gold.” As I rested and reflected on a recent weekend spent with five ...

Porchcast – Shifting Focus
We can't escape it. Everywhere we turn there's news about the coronavirus. While we remain cautious and continue to wash and disinfect ...

Grateful Despite Chaos
In this time of chaos and uncertainty, God put it on my heart to offer a new perspective – one of gratitude. There is much to be thankful...

“Life is short.” We’ve all heard the expression, but when the message unexpectedly appeared before her eyes, it was nothing short of a ...

Adventure Awaits – But Beware!
Road trip, anyone? We started the year off with an adventure, and The Queen had one too – on The Facebook (as she calls it). A scammer ...

New Year, New Word
It’s a new year and time for a new word. “Steadfast” was my word for 2019, and it served me well. This past year brought many hills and ...