
Single Sisters
“Bring anything you have in your fridge or on your counter you have to share – leftovers from family gatherings this weekend, anyone?”

Delayed Treatification
I find them all over the house. Each time, I chuckle. There they are, “hidden” in plain sight. The attempt to conceal has failed, but he ...

Jesus Took the Wheel
It was a moment of desperation. The GPS estimate clocked 45 minutes beyond the start of the wedding at our destination, the Basilica ...

Living with Loss
It was my fourth funeral in four months, this one celebrating the life of Ellen Daniels-Howell. As I sat in the pew listening to ...

Unhappy Joy
Her eyes were tear-filled as we approached each other for an embrace. “I’m not happy, but I’m filled with joy,” she said. It was ...

Surviving Motherhood
I thought I had it mastered. Motherhood that is. It was my job. Actually, it became my identity. And despite my intentional efforts to ...

Spring Cleaning – Inside & Out?
Overgrown flower beds, cluttered closets, dirty windows – that time of year is upon us. Our response is often spring cleaning...

Blind Faith
Google, Facebook, random blogs, the person in front of us – we often trust them without questioning. In fact, much of the information ...

Holding on Together
The image remains etched on my mind. Their hands gripped tightly together in a circle as they proceeded down the aisle. The coffin ...