
Esther 6 – God at Work
The sequence of events aligned perfectly as the story unfolded. Esther held her first banquet but did not reveal her request. That very ...

Resurrecting Toto, Resurrecting Me
I remember the first time I held him in my arms. As his sweet face stared back at mine, I couldn’t let go – there was just something ...

Esther 5 – Waiting
Esther’s life hung in the balance as she waited in the inner court for the king’s reaction. She was ready, dressed in the royal robes ...

Esther 4 – Identity Crisis
They were worlds apart. Palace gates created a physical separation between them, and a messenger was needed for communication. Mordecai ...

Esther 3 – Ripple Effect
He refused to bow down. Mordecai took a stand by standing. Haman, the king’s right-hand man, then seized the opportunity to punish ...

Top Dogs Team Up!
IndyHumane's Top Dog Toto is back! This year he's teaming up with Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School's own "Top Dog," Chief, to raise...

Esther 2 – Behind the Scenes
We know them even though they often do not make themselves known. They are the quiet, behind-the-scenes people who make things happen...

Lean on Me
Women taking a smoke break lingered outside as we entered the parking lot in our shiny SUV’s. I wondered what they must have been ...

Esther 1 – Necessary Endings
Golden goblets filled with endless supplies of royal wine, couches of gold and silver with marble pillars, fine linens, and extravagant ...