What did God put me here to do? How will I discover it? Then what? Author Erik Rees of Saddleback Church (led by Pastor Rick Warren) has an in-depth and challenging resource to help answer these questions – S.H.A.P.E.: Finding & Fulfilling Your Unique Purpose for Life.
While many of us may be familiar with spiritual gift assessments and online inventories to reveal what skills and talents God has uniquely given us, Rees encourages seekers to a deeper level of discovery through a wider lens. He walks readers through examining not only their spiritual gifts (“S”), but their heart/passion (“H”), abilities (“A”), personality (“P”), and experiences (“E”) – both painful and positive. This more encompassing approach helps provide greater clarity in uncovering your “Kingdom Purpose” which Rees defines as “a special commissioning from God to make a significant difference on this earth.” It’s more than a career, role, or job.
In the second half of the book, he also identifies and unpacks possible stumbling blocks, including ourselves. “The truth is, however, that the greatest obstacle to God fulfilling his purpose for our lives is not only other people, but ourselves – our own goals, ambition, pride, and self-will,” Rees explains.
I loved so many things about this book. Not only was it packed with challenging questions and exercises that enabled me to dig deeper into my own calling, but it reminded me to look to God first for guidance. “While self-help books tell you to look within, I’m saying the key to living the life you were meant to live is to look to God and ask him to help you discover your uniqueness,” Rees writes. It’s more than just believing, it’s about putting Christ at the center of your life.
Are you ready to take that step?