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Tidbit From Toto — Taking an Inventory

Writer's picture: TotoToto


So this week my mom is taking time to stop to reflect on her life, and I thought I would too …

  1. Physically — Other than the occasional tummy ache from some yummy discovery in the backyard, I feel good. In the last year, I’ve gained a pound but am hoping to lose it on our mile walk each morning. I have good life/work balance with plenty of downtime to rest. I now sleep in my mom’s bed so my REM cycles are at an all-time high.

  2. Spiritually — I’m a Christian. My mom is a Jesus freak, so do I really have a choice?

  3. Relationally — I tend to make friends wherever I go, but I wish the ticks would leave me alone. I’ve had two attach to me this summer — they are too needy and draining, so I dumped them (literally had them cut off). My mom wants me to calm down and stop barking, but how else am I supposed to communicate, especially from way down here? I’m working on my manners when friends arrive, but it’s a struggle (especially when the tasty treats run out). I’m very protective when I meet new people. Don’t expect a kiss on the first date.

  4. Mentally/Emotionally – I’m pretty sure I have undiagnosed ADD. I get easily distracted, especially on walks — when I see dogs, people, loud cars, squirrels … basically anything. I find comfort on the laps of the people I love or snuggling with my toy “Dino.”

  5. Vocationally — For a long time I thought my job was to catch birds, but now I think it’s to help other homeless dogs — just like Mom helped me. In the spring, I was named IndyHumane’s Top Dog, and I hope to continue to increase awareness for adoption and the importance of spay/neutering. My mom and I will be registering for therapy dog training soon, which is exciting but sounds exhausting. I think I need a nap.

How about you? Will you paws this week to reflect on your life?

Meet Author Julie Osborne

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